Obale otoka
Kako se spuštala noć, odlučili su da noće u vodama ovog tihog pacifičkog otoka. Zbog toga su jahtu usmjerili u tom pravcu. Uskoro su uplovili u malu pješcanu uvalu, a kako im se činilo da otočić nije naseljen, bacili su sidra, odlučivši da se sutra pozabave istraživanjem unutrašnjosti otoka.
Uzalud je te noći James Bryan pokušavao da identificira otok. Niti na jednoj pomorskoj karti, kojima se služio, otočić nije bio registriran. Precizno je zabiljezio njegov položaj, odlucivši svoje otkrice javiti National Geographic Cociety u Washingtonu kako bi se našlo u pomorskim atlasima.
Tu su noc James i Helen priuštili sebi malu svečanost. Večerali su na palubi jastoge koje su kupili na tržnici otoka Vivak, uz svijeću i bocu pjenušavog vina, diveći se tihoj juznoj noći i zivopisnom otočicu po čijim su pješcanim plazama, i pjenušali blagi morski valovi. Dok je u njihovim krošnjama romorio blagi vjetar, visoke su se palme lagano povijale, zaklanjajući zvjezdano nebo.
Bryanovi su te noci otišli na spavanje ispunjeni prijatnim osjećanjima koja obuzimaju ljude što su otkrili novi dom.
Prva se probudila gospoda Helen. Sunce je već bilo izašlo i ona je lijeno išetala na palubu kako bi pokupila nekoliko peškira koji su se sušili. Kada je postala svjesna da nešto nije u redu, zbunjeno je zastala. Svuda unaokolo prostirala se mirna morska pučina i nigdje na obzorju nije bilo one tihe uvale, niti zivopisnog otoka sa visokim palmama pored kojeg su se usidrili predhodnog dana.
Jutro bez otoka
Helen je gotovo vrisnula i u panici probudila Jamesa. Ali, sve je bilo uzalud. Sve što su mogli zaključiti bilo je da njihova jahta tijekom noći nije promijenila polozaj i da su se, još uvijek nalazili na mjestu gdje su bacili brodska sidra. Ali, zivopisnog otoka, međutim, više nije bilo.
Drugi slučaj još je neobičniji.
Početkom dvadesetog stoljeća, u vrijeme naglog razvoja tekstilne proizvodnje i velikih potreba za pamukom, mnogi su ameriki farmeri odlucili da gaje tu industrijsku biljku. Medutim, najkvalitetnije vrste pamuka zahtijevale su posebne uvjete i najkvalitetniji su plod davale na juznim otocima.
Pod pritiskom zainteresiranih farmera, američka se vlada obratila Japanu sa zahtjevom da zakupi nekoliko njegovih otoka za uzgoj pamuka. Uskoro je sklopljen posao. Japan je ustupio tri mala pacificka otoka. Kad su američki farmeri stigli na zadanu zemljopišnu širinu i dužinu, bili su nemalo iznenadeni, jer nisu uspjeli pronaći zakupljene otoke. Nigdje u blizini nije bilo ni traga o nekakvom kopnu!
Izbio je medunarodni skandal, pa je Tokio brzo reagirao. Poslao je svoju flotu da utvrdi da li uistinu postoje iznajmljeni otoci ili ne, ali ih ni japanska flota nije našla. Otoci su jednostavno nestali i niko nije znao objasniti šta se dogodilo!
TRANSLATION INTO ENGLISHThis event took place in December 1956. year and it was written almost the entire world press. navigate the world in their luxurious yachts "Laura Lee" James I Helen Bryan were found in the waters silent Grade. But the days they sailed peacefully Pacifictime when the late twilight, on the far horizon, saw the outlines not large southern island. Although not charted in the ship's map, that Bryan has not wondered, because they know that their ticket is not the latest date. In addition, an area in which they sailed happened is numerous islets.
Coast of the Island
How to lift up the night, they decided to stay in the waters of the peaceful Pacific island. Therefore, the yacht has focused in that direction. They sailed into a small sandy cove, and how they thought the small island is not settled, they cast anchor, decided to tackle the future study the interior of the island
It is worthless and night James Bryan tried to identify the island. Or on a maritime map, which is served, the island was not registered. Accurately noted his position, decided to tell his discovery Cociety National Geographic in Washington to be found in the marine atlases.
There are night Helen James I have a small celebration. Dinner on the deck lobsters that were purchased at the market the island lapwing, with a candle and a bottle of sparkling wine, admire the quiet Southern nights and picturesque islets by which the sparkling beaches, and sparkling wine, a gentle sea waves. While in the crowns of their bellows slight wind, the high palm trees gently smoking, screening the starry sky. Bryan night and they went to bed filled with friendly feelings that took people as they discover the new home.
The first woke up gentlemen Helen. The sun has already been published and she is lazy išetala on board to collect a few towels that have hair. When you became aware that something is wrong, confused is stopped. All around stretched quiet offing and nowhere on the horizon there was one quiet cove, or picturesque islands with high palm trees, which are dropping anchor in previous days.Morning without islands
Helen almost screamed in panic woke James. But all was in vain. All that they could conclude was that the yacht during the night did not change the position and that is still located at the place where the ship cast anchor. But, picturesque islands, however, is not it. The second case is even stranger.
The second case is even more unusual.
The beginning of the twentieth century, during the rapid development of textile production and the great demand for cotton, many farmers of America, decided to gaje this industrial plant. However, the best types of cotton required the special conditions and the best are the fruit given to the southern islands. Under the pressure of interested farmers, the U.S. government approached Japan with a request to lease some of its islands for growing cotton. Coming soon is a job. Japan has been uploaded by three small Pacific islands. When are the American farmers came to a latitude and longitude, were quite surprised, because they are not able to find the rented islands. Nowhere near, there has been no trace of any land!
Broke out international scandal, and the Tokyo quickly responded. Sent its fleet to determine whether there are indeed rented the islands or not, but neither Japanese fleet has not been found. Islands are simply missing and no one knew how to explain what happened!
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