Glavna nagrada je onoliko litara piva koliko je teška žena.
Premda je pobjednik izjavio da se bavio raznim sportovima, ali da je ovaj najteži, stazu prepreka savladali su za nešto duže od jedne minute.
translation into English
Sonkajarvi-City Sonkajarvi in Finland was the host of 14th by OK World champion in Carrying women between the 35th pairs oz various parts of the world, including Japan, USA, Australia Ireland, won the domestic Finnish couple.
Bounty is as many liters of beer as heavy women. Although the winner said he was also engaged in various sports, but that is the most difficult, obstacle course finish for something more than a minute.
zaista neobicno, ali mora se priznati...fer nagrada :))
OdgovoriIzbrišisuper je pusa
OdgovoriIzbrišiludi si ti finci haahaahah