12. ožu 2010.

how to better love???

A good kiss can really excite and cause great things in the bedroom. In contrast, a bad kiss can ruin the chances of sex before things start to develop. In these simple points we find that irresistible love.

1st The first kiss we are tempted to immediately start a fierce love, so to express all the feelings of the kiss that melts the lips, but fierce insistence from the very start to refuse partners. In fact, the erotic is to start slowly and gently amplify passion. Like Fire, initially to one spark. Depending on the mood, just a few seconds for the flame spread.

2nd First, lips, tongue and then let the lips are relaxed and slightly separated when touched partners. Now do not put language in her / his mouth. First, let your tongue gently across the partner's mouth, and wanted to wait yet. If your answers by touching his tongue to consider the call for entry, have a language movements are instinctive and dynamic, do it, but do not let it shake.

3rd Leave room to breathe Always make sure that a partner can breathe. Avoid to get in position to have your noses shut, and losing air. Do not forget to breathe while you love, you can discreetly inhale and expire through the nose while your lips are merged.

4th Give and receive Kissing is like dancing with a partner, you must be with him on the move, feel and look to the rhythm, movement and mood. Kissing is the best feature forward - backward. Try one and watch it on match, voice or mouth. If he liked, and continue to deepen, and if not, watch a little of his movements.

5th Gentle teeth gently nibble bite or pull your partner's lips can be very sexy if it carefully. The edges of the teeth can be sharp on the sensitive tissue of the lips and mouth. Take your partner's lower lip and gently sisajte open between the teeth. Then gently press the teeth lip. Do not bite! I guess you do not want blood!


3. ožu 2010.

Some men love / no love

I love when you hold me gently by the hand, you love me in the neck, when I hold my coat and put a scarf around his neck, when we send the message in the morning when he wakes up.

Guys who have a sense of humor and know the joke to your account, like when I have feeling that I really listened to, like when you smell fine, when you have a nice smile ... :-)

I do not like guys who are quartz, the ego trip, brightest, mother's son, stunted / Bilder, liars, with 5 L of gel in their hair, boys who are with you as a girl in the city bus, looking over her shoulder, and of course saving which is GREAT.

2. ožu 2010.

Žene vole muškarce sa stavom???

Imajte svoj stav...
Oprezno s pametnim i privlačnim ženama! Postavljat će vam zamke na gotovo svakom koraku, ali budite dovoljno pametni i nemojte pasti na njih. O čemu tačno govorim?
Evo jednog primjera: razgovarat ćete o nečemu, vi ćete iznijeti svoj stav koji se njoj neće svidjeti i ona će se prividno naljutiti. Ona zna da vam je privlačna, pa će iskušavati vašu toleranciju do kraja kako bi bilo po njezinom. Tražit će da svoj stav usuglasite s njenim. Većina muškaraca bira liniju manjeg otpora i u konačnici se složi sa ženom, a upravo tu je zamka. :-) Ona ne želi da se složite s njom. Želi muškarca koji ima svoj stav i siguran je u sebe. Takvo žensko testiranje vrlo često nije svjesna radnja. To se može objasniti onim primitivnim nagonima u svakom čovjeku. Ona želi čvrstog i stabilnog muškarca. Budite taj muškarac i imajte svoj stav.

hehe :-)

22. velj 2010.

Razlozi za mušku prevaru???

Top lista...zašto muškarci navodno varaju ;)

-podizanje ega, da dokažu suprotnom spolu da su još privlacni

-uzbuđenje zato što "love" druge partnerice

-zato sto im se ukaže prilika da prevare...

-bijeg od problema i stresni situacija

-ovisni su o sexu

-osveta partnerici iz nekog razloga.....

16. velj 2010.

Gola Ana Nikolić

A vidi guze od Ane Nikolić ;) Predobro izgleda zar ne??? ;)